Master of Fashion Marketing and Product Management

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Análisis de educaedu

Pablo Nieves

Pablo Nieves

Master of Fashion Marketing and Product Management

  • Modalidade
    O curso é feito no método presencial.
  • Certificado oficial
    Especialista em Fashion Marketing and Product Management
  • Considerações
    O marketing e a moda são duas áreas que quando caminham juntas de maneira planejada podem trazer muitos benefícios para as empresas. Pensando nisso, a criação do Master of Fashion Marketing and Product Management pelo IED Istituto Europeo di Design - sede São Paulo aparece como uma oportunidade para profissionais com experiência nesse setor que desejam melhorar as estratégias dentro de uma companhia. O aluno aprenderá sobre como interpretar o cenário econômico e a analisar as mudanças no sistema de moda, sabendo criar uma melhor performande para a empresa nest mercado e melhorando os resultados financeiros.
  • Dirigido a
    Podem realizar o curso pessoas graduadas em Marketing ou Moda.
  • Área de atuação
    À Moda da Casa e Animale contratam este tipo de profissional

Comentários sobre Master of Fashion Marketing and Product Management - Presencial - São Paulo Capital - São Paulo

  • Dirigido a
    Graduates from similar fields, those with diploma from private university- level schools, or professionals with two years experience in the sector.
  • Conteúdo

    This Master aims at forming the Fashion Marketing Manager: a professional in charge of implementing and running the strategies on behalf of a company, drafting and enforcing the marketing plan with the Chief Executive and the Communication Director.

    A professional able to interpret the economical scenario, to anticipate and analyse the changes incurring in the Fashion System, to evaluate competitors’ strengths and shortcomings, to segment and monitor the market, to choice distinctive competitive positioning, that allows to build the brand awareness and achieve a better performance concerning market, image and financial-economical results.

    The educational specialisation in Product Management allows to deal with the development and management of a range of products from the point of view of the Product manager, following the entire development process of collections and interacting with the creative office, the pattern making labs, the production division or the sales offi ce. Particular attention is paid to the specific features of Luxury products.

Outro curso relacionado com moda

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