Summer School and workshop - Sustainable Perspectives on Energy Security, Renewable Energy and Climate Change

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Comentário do responsável

Ticiano Costa Jordão

Ticiano Costa Jordão

Diretor e professor

  • Há quanto tempo este curso é oferecido?
    Quatro anos
  • Perfil do aluno
    Estudantes e profissionais de engenharia, economia e gestão com conhecimentos de língua inglesa.
  • Objectivos
    O curso oferece aos participantes conhecimentos de políticas, gestão e tecnologias aplicadas às energias renováveis e às medidas de mitigação e adaptação das mudanças climáticas.
  • Benefícios
    - Reúne conhecimentos técnicos de engenharia, informática, economia, contabilidade e gestão aplicados ao tema
    - Inclui visita técnica a uma usina geotérmica dos Açores
    - Oportunidade única de estabelecer um networking com estudantes e profissionais de vários países interessados pelo tema.
  • Método de avaliação
    Atividades de grupo com estudos de caso e exercícios em sala.
  • Certificado / titulação
    Certificado emitido pelo Reitor da Universidade dos Açores e pelo diretor da rede internacional de sustentabilidade CRUSUS
  • Financiamento
    Pagamentos via paypal, cartão de crédito, ou transferência bancária.
  • Promoções
    Tarifas aéreas com desconto pela TAP PORTUGAL. Descontos especiais em hotéis ou nos dormitórios da universidade dos Açores (em muito bom estado)
  • Alunos por turma
  • Corpo docente
    - Prof. Ticiano Costa Jordão (Universidade de Pardubice, Rep. Tcheca e diretor da rede CRUSUS)
    - Prof. Rosa Nunes (Universidade dos Açores)
    - Prof. Alexander Chlan (Universidade de Pardubice, Rep. Tcheca)
    - Prof. Philippe Poggi (Universidade da Córsega)
    - Prof. Pedro Cabral (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
    - Prof. Roshan T Ramessur (Universidade de Maurício)
    - Prof. Khalil Elahee (Universidade de Maurício)

"Participarão deste curso profissionais e acadêmicos de cinco países diferentes numa abordagem dinâmica e interativa com os alunos. Os alunos participarão do desenvolvimento de um modelo de governança sustentável para os Açores orientado para as mudanças climáticas e a segurança energética, com ênfase na exploração dos recursos energéticos renováveis."

Comentários sobre Summer School and workshop - Sustainable Perspectives on Energy Security, Renewable Energy and Climate Change - Presencial - Rio de Janeiro Capital - Rio de Janeiro

  • Objectivos
    Learning Outcomes

    The course intends to give an updated, integrated, and systemic view of the most relevant aspects of policies and mechanisms facing climate change and energy security. The conceptual and technological evolution of these issues will be provided. Students will also understand the relationship between sustainable economic development and social and environmental pressures arising through the examination of the most widely adopted sustainability indicators, measurement and reporting as well as the most renowned sustainability indexes, such as DJSI and FTSE4Good. A special focus will be given to adaptation and mitigating measures to environmental impacts (particularly in reducing the emission of greenhouse gases and reducing the vulnerability to energy crisis), and their relations with sustainability policies implemented in enterprises. The main aim of the course is to remove the current fragmentation of teaching these topics, while allowing students to develop their individual perception and critical analysis of this issue, providing them with a valuable background of technical information for future use.

    At the end of the course students will have an overview of the current adaptation and mitigation measures facing climate change and fossil fuel depletion through a "road map". They will also learn how to apply sustainability management practices and indicators and report on them in enterprises of several sectors, particularly in the oil & gas, electric utility, agriculture, forestry, transport, chemical, mining and others.
  • Estágios
    Technical visits to geothermal power plant and hydro power plant, case studies, final workshop
  • Dirigido a
    Target Audience

    This course is recommended for students and professionals in engineering, economics, administration and management, agronomy, communications, journalism, and environmental sciences, who are working in the energy, transport, oil & gas, industry, agriculture and forestry sectors.
  • Titulação
    certificate to be issued by the University of Azores, Portugal
  • Conteúdo
    International Summer School & Workshop
    Ponta Delgada, Azores,  Sustainable Perspectives on Energy Security, Renewable Energy and Climate Change
    Special discounts for flight tickets with
    TAP PORTUGAL  (official partner)
    The summer school will address how energy security and climate change issues have been affecting various communities worldwide, particularly the coastal areas and island communities. It will investigate how local climate change effects are interrelated and the contributing factors to the vulnerability of certain locations. Further, it will explore possible mitigation and adaptation measures for these locations.
    The vulnerability and possible means to strengthen resilience of energy systems to environmental impacts will be a relevant issue to be addressed in the summer school with a particular emphasis given to the exploitation of renewable energy sources and deployment of their related technologies.

    Topics to be covered:

    ·Part 1: Vulnerabilities of natural resources, human settlements and energy systems within the context of climate change

    ·Part 2: Sustainable management, policy and governance facing climate change and energy security

    ·Part 3: The potential and barriers of renewable energy sources

    ·Part 4: Working group session for a strategic framework for sustainable governance facing climate change and energy security in Azores Island

Outro curso relacionado com energias renováveis e eficiência energética

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