Master of Transportation Design Work Experience

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Pablo Nieves

Master of Transportation Design Work Experience

  • Modalidade Curso realizado na modalidade presencial.
  • Certificado oficial Especialista em Transportation Design Work Experience
  • Considerações O Master of Transportation Design Work Experience é um curso que foi pensado para oferecer ao profissional uma experiência e um treinamento que se tornam uma ferramenta com a qual ele pode enfrentar todos os desafios que aparecem no mercado de trabalho. Neste curso, o aluno encontrará questões relativas ao trabalho desenvolvido em empresasde desenho e produtoras de automóveis. O programa deste master realizado pelo IED Istituto Europeo di Design - sede São Paulo se divide em uma etapa teórica e também por uma fase prática, na qual o estudante saberá sobre as técnicas de representação digital.
  • Dirigido a Poderão realizar o curso graduados em Design.
  • Área de atuação É possível trabalhar em lugares como FIAT e Ferrari.

Master of Transportation Design Work Experience

  • Objectivos The Master or Arts in Transportation Design – work experience, was set up with the idea of providing the kind of training that would turn out to be a winning tool with which to face up to the challenges of the workplace and enable the students to provide the solutions to many of the questions often addressed by Car Manufacturing Companies and Style Centres. Over the course of two years on a full-time basis, this course expects to hone and develop the student’s competence in terms of his/her critical approach, analytical and methodological skills providing them with the tools they need to start creating their own innovative concepts.
  • Conteúdo Programme:
    The didactic pathway includes a first year focused on providing the theoretical and design tools required to produce 1:4 scale models that are considered the final goal of the first part of the Master course. This will then be followed by a detailed analysis of the main manual and digital representation techniques, the ergonomics and architectural features of a vehicle, marketing and modelling techniques.
    During the second year the students will become involved in what, to all intents and purposes, is a true work environment, simulating the work of a team in a professional design studio equipped with all the most innovative information technology tools. For the 2nd year of the course a Style Centre will commission a project from the Istituto Europeo di Design of Turin for the development of a concept car.

    Starting at:
    April 2010

    Admission requirements :
    The requirements for admittance to the Master course are the following:
    -being in possession of a three or five year degree in areas of design or other complementary subjects
    -having a diploma in design subjects or other complementary subjects from private schools equivalent to university
    -having had professional experience for at least two years in this same sector
    One may also request to be admitted directly to the 2nd year of the Master course if one is already provided with  a diploma or a three year or five year degree in Transportation Design from a public or private institution that is equivalent to University level.
    The number of enrolled students may not exceed 18

    It is understood that the attendance to all activities is compulsory.
    The first year totals 750 hours of which a total of 420 will be class work and 330 will be given over to free lab work specifically focused on the development of one or more projects.
    The second year on the other hand covers 1500 hours divided as follows: 470 classroom hours, 550 hours of free lab work specially focused on the development of one or more projects and 480 hours of work-experience within a Company.

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