Master of Product Design

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Pablo Nieves

Master of Product Design

  • Modalidade Curso realizado na modalidade presencial.
  • Certificado oficial Especialista em Product Design
  • Considerações O design italiano é conhecido mundialmente por sua elegância e é utilizado como referência por todos aqueles que estudam design. Sendo uma instituição de tradição e internacionalmente conhecida, o IED Istituto Europeo di Design - sede São Paulo apresenta seu Master of Product Design. Neste curso, o estudante poderá criar projetos em várias áreas diferentes, como embalagem, produto, mobília e produção própria. Durante este curso de pós-graduação, o aluno irá participar de encontros e workshops para estudar sobre a cultura do design italiano.
  • Dirigido a Podem realizar o curso graduados em Design.
  • Área de atuação É possível trabalhar em lugares como Tok Stok e Apple.

Master of Product Design

  • Objectivos Addressed above all to graduates in industrial design and architecture, the Master course in Product Design is aimed at giving participants a stable project methodology enabling them to search for a design language and develop an expressive design philosophy; to acquire a design knowledge that pays attention to environmental, social and ethical issues; to relate to the industrial system through a proper interpretation of the brief, of the business dynamics, and of the brand value; to communicate the project by using all expressive tools available.
  • Dirigido a The Master course is addressed to graduates in Design, Graphics or similar degree courses, holders of a diploma from private university-equivalent schools and professionals with at least two years of experience in the field.
    Attendance and Duration
  • Conteúdo Program for Master of Product Design:
    The Master course framework is the area of the design methodology consisting in three Main Projects that have different objectives and increasing complexity. They are developed in partnerships with Companies that define the project scope and control the project development up to the final presentation. For this edition of the Master course, the three Main Projects will concern:
    At the same time, courses aimed at developing the project realization and communication techniques as well as courses aimed at enriching the students’ culture are organized in the following areas:
    • knowledge area, to expand on cultural subjects that will be essential in professional life;
    • expression area, to improve all expressive tools required to design and present a project up to the customer management;
    • experimentation area, to experiment the acquired material and sensorial scenarios on the project.
    Moreover, IED organizes several visits to industrial sites, field-related fairs, places of thought, cultural exhibitions and contributions of professionals concerning the developed projects.

    Students can improve their knowledge of the learned methodological process by participating in workshops – project events shared by all Master courses – that do not deal with pure teaching subjects but that focus on cross-boarder topics, such as brand design and food design.
    Starting date: January 2010

    Duration: one year, full time
    Attendance: compulsory, from Monday to Friday
    Language: English
    Admission requirements: Applicants are selected by assessing their curriculum vitae (accompanied by a motivation letter) and their projects portfolio. The admission is defined by the Master course Coordinator. Moreover, applicants will be interviewed in English, too, in order to assess their language knowledge.
    Partnerships: the companies that collaborated to the previous Master course editions are listed here below:
    • Beierdorf Nivea
    • Campari Soda
    • Camping Gas
    • I Guzzini
    • Ilti Luce
    • JVC
    • Kenwood Italia
    • Martin
    • Nikon Italia
    • Sacea
    • Segno
    • ST Gobain
    • Targetti
    • Versace Casa
    • Whirlpool

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