ModalidadeCurso realizado na modalidade presencial.
Certificado oficialEspecialista em Europan Design Lab
ConsideraçõesA área de design precisa de profissionais com experiência e que tenham uma excelente formação acadêmica. O IED Istituto Europeo di Design - sede São Paulo proporciona ao profissional um aprendizado aprofundado e prático sobre todas as áreas de um projeto de design. Este curso de Master of European Design Labs ensina o estudante a desenvolver uma pesquisa pessoal e um plano de desenvolvimento, sempre procurando a prática da profissão. O curso também envolve a visita a feiras e a museus.
Dirigido aDestinado a graduados em Design ou Publicidade
Área de atuaçãoÉ possível trabalhar em lugares como TV1 e Foca Studio.
Master of European Design Labs
Dirigido aDesigners, degree holders in Fine Arts, Audiovisual Communication and Advertising, product engineers and architects.
To place within the students’ reach profound knowledge of the culture of the project and the discipline of design in all of its professional facets, within the framework of Europe, as well as helping them to establish a personal research and development plan that is given form in a practical assignment.
- Laboratories directed by notable design professionals, in its various disciplines. They will be held with the support of prestigious European companies.
- Cultural observatory structured into expert conferences given by some of the most prestigious people in the world of culture on our continent.
- Throughout the program, there will be agreements, meetings, visits and seminars with both public and private Entities, which will provide not only sponsorship, but also technical and practical support for the general development of each of its stages.
- We will visit the most important trade fairs, exhibitions, museums, schools and professionals studios in Europe.
- Thesis project.