Curso de Extensão: Creative by Nature - Bionics and Biomimetics

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Julia Moreira

Curso de Extensão: Creative by Nature - Bionics and Biomimetics

  • Modalidade O curso de Extensão Criativo por Natureza: Biônica e Biomimética é ministrado na modalidade presencial.
  • Duração A carga horária do curso de extensão é de 15h.
  • Certificado oficial O certificado será emitido pelo IED Istituto Europeo di Design, devidamente credenciado pelo MEC.
  • Considerações O curso tem três vertentes de ensino: apresentação de conceitos, pesquisa e construção e cooperação. Durante a jornada do Curso de Extensão em Criativo por Natureza: Biônica e Biomimética os alunos serão estimulados a exercitar sua criatividade no desenvolvimento de estruturas, sistemas, materiais e soluções a partir da natureza e focado nos ecossistemas brasileiros.
  • Dirigido a O programa foi formulado para profissionais que desejam desenvolver habilidades e sejam de área profissionais criativas como designers, arquitetos, artistas e outros.
  • Área de atuação Ao finalizar o curso, o aluno será capaz de identificar oportunidades de projetos de design a partir de elementos da natureza, aplicar métodos e tecnologias artificiais para transformar esses materiais, criar estratégias, conceber e desenvolver projetos. Poderá atuar com essas habilidades nas áreas de arquitetura, design, engenharia e afins.

Curso de Extensão: Creative by Nature - Bionics and Biomimetics

  • Conteúdo Creative by Nature: Bionics and Biomimetics

    Dates: May 2014
    Language: English
    Time Schedule: 15H , Monday to Friday (7:30pm – 10:30pm)
    Location: IED RIO


    This course explores some natural associations between natural structures and their specific functions, with a focus on Brazilian ecosystems. It addresses key strategies for creating and processing used by nature in the development of structures, systems, materials and solutions, drawing parallels with human projective methods. – Stimulate the development of fundamental skills for creative practice with inspiration in nature
    - Deepen the power of observation and curiosity, seeking other interpretations of nature’s “design principles”
    - Practice interdisciplinary thinking, making connections between different areas of knowledge as Biology, Physics, Mathematics and Design
    - Identify opportunities observing nature as a source of inspiration for creative projects
    - Exercise the capacity to think unconventionally, making links between nature and artificial technologies
    - Understand the mechanisms of nature as a strategic tool


    Students and creative professionals, such as artists, designers, architects, engineers, advertisers and others.


    Daniel Malaguti
    Currently professor of design and researcher at the Laboratory for Research in Free Design ( LILD ) at PUC -Rio. Develops design projects and consultancy focused on sustainability and lightweight structures and teaches free courses on Permaculture and Bioconstruction. - DSc in Design – PUC -Rio
    - Master of Design – PUC -Rio
    - Education Specialist – PUC-Rio/Hebrew University of Jerusalem
    - BFA in Industrial Design (product design) – EBA / UFRJ
    - Permacultor and instructor of PDC ( Permaculture Design Course ) certified permaculture Infuse Network

    Tiago de Paula

    Permacultor founder of AS – Atelier Sustentável. Develops projects and research focused on ecodesign, resource productivity and energy efficiency. Teaches free courses and workshops in educational institutions and support organizations for young people. - Master in Design – PUC -Rio
    - BFA in Industrial Design (product design) – EBA / UFRJ
    - Permacultor Certified Network Pervade of permaculture
    - Building Technician – CEFET / RJ

    Áreas de estudo

    Concepts: means and methods of nature. From units to systems. Differences and similarities of both natural and artificial means of creation and replication.
    Research: Practical exploration and personal research on problematic situations suggested by the teachers.
    Construction and cooperation: materialization of ideas in simplified models using affordable materials. Presentation and critique among students and teachers. Lectures and hands-on classes.

    Class 1. Lecture
    - Overview of the course
    - Application of bionics in the development of creative projects
    - Organizing principles of living elements
    - Permaculture and design - imitating nature with ethical principles
    - Patterns, fractals and spirals

    Class 2. Lecture and practice
    - Bionics in determining the form: the golden ratio and the Fibonacci sequence
    - Analysis of formal solutions inspired in nature
    - Exercises generation and modeling shapes

    Class 3. Lecture and practice
    - Bionics in Structures: optimizing the use of materials
    - Analysis of structural solutions inspired by nature
    - Exercises generation and modeling of structures

    Class 4. Lecture and practice
    - Bionics in planning functions: Natural Strategies
    - Translating concepts of biology
    - Analysis of functional solutions inspired by nature
    - Exercise to generate functional solutions inspired by nature

    Class 5. Practice
    - Practical application of concepts given by drafting a blueprint
    - Making a physical model of project presentation
    - Presentation and defense of the idea

Outro curso relacionado com criatividade