Curso - 10174 Configuring and Administering Microsoft SharePoint 2010

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Curso - 10174 Configuring and Administering Microsoft SharePoint 2010

  • Conteúdo Objetivos

    •Prepare for and install SharePoint 2010 •Configure the fundamental service and logical components of a SharePoint implementation •Administer SharePoint using the user interface, the command line, and Windows PowerShell •Manage content in Lists and Libraries •Administer identities and authentication •Secure content in SharePoint sites •Manage customizations to a SharePoint implementation •Configure SharePoint services and applications •Configure SharePoint social networking features •Manage SharePoint search •Configure farms, servers, service applications, and web applications •Install, upgrade, configure, and operate a SharePoint farm •Configure high availability and recoverability •Monitor and optimize SharePoint performance

    Treinamento de 25 de abril a 06 de março das 18h30 as 22h30
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